

Practice typing by retyping ENTIRE novels — TypeLit.io

Typing Practice | Test your typing while reading great books like Alice in Wonderland, 1984, Dracula, and The Art of War — or import your own material!

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Typer is a fast and modern multiplayer typing competition. Type against your friends in large 50+ player matches within a few clicks.


A clean and simple typing test website. Take timed tests of different durations to find out your WPM, track your progress, and improve your typing ability.

Typing Lessons

Typing tests for programmers with code in JavaScript, Python, Java, Ruby, C++, PHP, and more. Test your real WPM.

Typing Practice for Programmers

Typing.io is a typing tutor/trainer for programmers. Typing.io's lessons are based on open source code, allow you to practice typing the key sequences that ...

typing — Support for type hints

Source code: Lib/typing.py This module provides runtime support for type hints. For the original specification of the typing system, see PEP 484.

typing.io (@typingio) X

Hey, you there, typing with two fingers for years! Heres is something for you: https://typing.io Typing Practice for Programmers. 3. 6. typing.io 已轉發.

typing.io Practice typing the awkward characters ...

Typing.io is a typing tutor for programmers. Practice typing the hard-to-reach ... Typing.io is a typing tutor for programmers. Practice typing the hard-to ...

typing.io 流量分析、排名統計數資料和技術堆疊

typing.io is a typing tutor for programmers. practice typing the hard-to-reach symbols in code.

Typing.io 為工程師設計的英打練習網站,以JavaScript、Ruby

如果你想體驗一下工程師的辛苦,或是你本身就是工程師,但苦於英打速度一直無法進步的話,趕緊運用網路免費資源上Typing.io 練習吧!